For Sale Marketing

How to Build an Awesome Real Estate Email Marketing List

Develop a full list of interested subscribers! As an experienced real estate marketer, you know just how effective email newsletters can be at building your business. You’re ready to put them to use promoting your real estate agency, but first you have to build your email marketing list. There are a whole host of strategies you can use to develop your contacts and gain subscribers for your real estate newsletter; we’ve assembled our favorites here.  Try several or all of our top real estate email marketing list tips at once so you can get your newsletter campaign up and running quickly!

Use Social Media
The sharing nature of social media makes it a great way to gain subscribers for your real estate email newsletter. Try to collect subscribers from each of the social sites your agency has a presence on by including links to gated content:

Use Content Marketing
Your in-depth knowledge of the real estate market is a valuable resource that real estate buyers and sellers are eager to acquire. You know the info, now pass it on! You can easily generate real estate leads online by authoring gated content that visitors have to give their email address in order to download. Create several types of content to discover which works best for you. The most popular types of real estate downloads include:

Use your Real Estate Website
Just as your real estate website is the heart of your agency’s online presence, it can be the center of your email newsletter list building campaign.

These are some of the easier examples of how to build an awesome real estate email marketing list. For more advanced tactics along with complete email newsletter marketing support for your real estate agency, turn to the marketing team at For Sale Marketing. We can supply you with full marketing support for your efforts including responsive real estate website design, professional email newsletter creation services, marketing analytics, and more.

Contact us at For Sale Marketing today at 954-779-2801 for more email newsletter list building tips along with comprehensive marketing support to ensure your real estate agency’s success!